Studienprotokolle in Fertigstellung
Rezidive des Ovarialkarzinoms
Prospective randomized, multicenter Phase III Study to assess the
efficacy of partial-body hyperthermia with standardized chemotherapy
in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer
efficacy of partial-body hyperthermia with standardized chemotherapy
in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer
Studienleiter: T. Fehm und V. Heinrich (Tübingen)
Nicht muskelinvasives Harnblasenkarzinom
Adjuvant instillation with Mitomycin C combined with deep regional
hyperthermia in low risk bladder cancer
hyperthermia in low risk bladder cancer
Studienleiter: D.Geijsen (Amsterdam), P.J. Goebell und O. Ott (Erlangen)